New enforcement on board of Vertigo
10. 2017

We are happy to welcome new person on board. From July, Klara joined organising team of Vertigo!
In addition to her managing skills, Klara is devoted to sport and in 2011 she became Master of Rhytmic gymnastics of Slovakia.
Besides her sport career, Klara finished Faculty of Economic Informatics and she worked on positions, where she managed working teams. From end of year 2015 Klara took part in Vertigo shows, performing various aerial and stage acts (more than 70 shows at the moment).
We are looking forward for all coming challenges!
In addition to her managing skills, Klara is devoted to sport and in 2011 she became Master of Rhytmic gymnastics of Slovakia.
Besides her sport career, Klara finished Faculty of Economic Informatics and she worked on positions, where she managed working teams. From end of year 2015 Klara took part in Vertigo shows, performing various aerial and stage acts (more than 70 shows at the moment).
We are looking forward for all coming challenges!